The Smile Center

Tooth Erosion Causes and Treatments

Feb 10, 2015 @ 01:58 PM — by Dr. Scott Parr
Tagged with: Tooth Erosion Restorative Dentistry

Our teeth are at constant risk of erosion. The foods we eat, poor oral hygiene, or the friction created by chewing are just a few of the major contributors to dental erosion. Fortunately, you can take steps to reduce tooth erosion. Restorative dentistry treatments can repair the damage of tooth erosion and restore the appearance and health of your smile. To find out which treatments are right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team at The Smile Center in Virginia Beach.

What Causes Tooth Erosion

Tooth erosion is a gradual process caused by the wearing away of dental enamel. Enamel is important to dental health because it protects the inner layers of the tooth, including the nerve and pulp tissue, from decay and infection. As enamel wears, the teeth are left vulnerable to decay, painful toothaches, and even tooth loss. By understanding the causes of tooth erosion, you can prevent tooth erosion. The common causes of tooth erosion include:

Treating Tooth Erosion

You can reduce your risk of tooth erosion by avoiding acidic, sugary foods and drinks, practicing proper oral hygiene, and seeking treatment for issues like dry mouth or acid reflux, if you suffer from them. Though preventing tooth erosion is preferable, there are many treatments to repair damage and restore dental health. Treatments for tooth erosion include:

Schedule a Consultation

For more information, schedule a consultation with our team at The Smile Center today!