The Smile Center

The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Jul 7, 2015 @ 09:44 AM — by drfrey
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

At The Smile Center here in Virginia Beach, it's important to us that patients understand the nature of the treatment that they wish to undergo. Patient education is an important part of comprehensive general dentistry.

With this in mind, we'd like to go over the basics of root canal therapy and provide information on the various benefits of the treatment process.

About Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is performed in order to treat teeth that have become infected. Within each tooth is a small cluster of soft tissue known as dental pulp. This dental pulp was crucial for the formation of a tooth when it was first emerging, but it is no longer essential when the permanent tooth is in place. The pulp is comprised of connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels, helping with the sensations of heat, cold, and pressure.

When a tooth is severely decayed or damaged, bacteria can infect the pulp within a tooth. This can result in serious discomfort and the formation of an abscess. If the tooth is not treated, the infection can spread the jawbone and other parts of the mouth.

Root Canal Relieves Severe Tooth Pain

By undergoing a root canal, a patient is able to have serious dental pain relieved. While root canals have a reputation for being painful, they are actually far less painful than the pain associated with having a tooth that is infected. Modern advances in anesthetics and pain management have resulted in less pain during the procedure and after the procedure.

Root Canal Restores the Strength of a Tooth

After the dental pulp is removed and tooth fully treated, the treated tooth is capped with a dental crown. The dental crown helps restore the strength of tooth, allowing patients to bite and chew as they did prior to treatment.

Root Canal Prevents the Spread of Infection

As noted above, the root canal treatment helps prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the mouth. If infection spreads to the gum tissue, jawbone, and other parts of the mouth, it can result in major dental health and general wellness issues.

Root Canal Avoids the Need for Tooth Extraction

When a root canal infection is untreated, the only remedy for the pain and infected tissue may be the extraction of the tooth. Root canal therapy prevents the need for tooth extraction, allowing the tooth to remain in place. It's always most ideal for patients to maintain as much of their healthy tooth structure as possible, which is what root canal therapy helps achieve.

When to Consider Root Canal Treatment

If you have been experiencing serious and persistent tooth pain for some time, it's a good idea to visit your dentist so these matters can be looked into in more detail. During the exam, your dentist can determine if your tooth pain is related to a root canal infection or another dental health concern.

Learn More About Root Canal Therapy

For more information about root canal therapy and how it can help you have a healthy and beautiful smile, it's important that you contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. The team here at The Smile Center looks forward to your visit.