The Smile Center

Preserve Oral Health By Avoiding Bad Dental Habits

Jan 12, 2016 @ 10:25 AM — by drfrey
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Once a person has grown his or her permanent set of teeth, there are no natural replacements that will come in if those teeth become damaged or lost. While restorative dentistry can rebuild a smile damaged by injury, decay, or tooth loss, it is always ideal to protect the natural teeth and preserve good oral health. One way in which patients can help to ensure that the teeth will remain strong and healthy is by avoiding bad dental habits. Bad dental habits can break down tooth enamel, weaken the structure of the teeth, and leave the mouth vulnerable to serious dental complications. The team of dentists at The Smile Center discusses bad dental habits with our Virginia Beach, VA patients so that they understand the importance of avoiding these potentially harmful habits.

Bad Dental Habits

There are several habits that can damage the teeth and increase the risk of oral health problems. However, many of these habits cause gradual damage, so patients are often not aware of how harmful these habits are. Below are some bad dental habits that can compromise the health, strength, and beauty of the smile:

Schedule an Appointment

If you are looking for a trusted and experienced dentist to provide the general dentistry care you need to preserve the health of your smile, look no further than The Smile Center. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about our comprehensive range of dental services.