The Smile Center

How Do I Clean and Maintain My Invisalign Aligners?

Apr 29, 2020 @ 08:47 PM — by Dr. Scott Parr
Tagged with: Invisalign Clear Aligners Orthodontic Treatment Crooked Teeth

If you desire straighter teeth but don’t want to undergo the hassle of metal braces, our office offers discreet and comfortable Invisalign® clear aligners

Once you have been fitted with clear aligners at our Virginia Beach, VA, dental practice, Dr. Scott Parr or Dr. Tara Frey will provide instructions on how to clean and care for your Invisalign trays. By maintaining your new aligners, you can protect your smile against the effects of harmful bacteria.

Invisalign Cleaning Basics

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners on a daily basis keeps the aligners clean and prevents plaque buildup that can result in tooth decay. Invisalign offers its own line of cleaning products. To keep your aligners clean and hygienic, remember to:

It might seem natural to brush your aligners while you brush your teeth, but using toothpaste to clean your aligners will eventually leave a white film that obscures the clear SmartTrack material.

General Guidelines

Beyond regularly cleaning your clear aligners, patients at our Virginia Beach, VA, practice should take steps to care for and maintain their aligners. Damaged or lost aligners are costly to replace. Unusable aligners can even extend your overall treatment timeline.

Comply with the 22-Hour Rule

The best way to prevent losing or damaging your clear aligners is to follow the 22-hour compliance rule. When our patients leave their trays out for extended periods of time, they risk accidentally losing their aligners. At the very minimum, you should wear the aligners for 20 hours a day.

If you misplace your aligners for several hours, you may notice momentary discomfort as you place the aligners again. Teeth are prone to shift back into their old position. This is why the compliance rule is so important. 

Avoid Hot Water

To avoid warping your aligners, never place them in hot water. When brushing your aligners, use lukewarm water.

Use a Hard Case

To avoid losing your clear aligners, keep them in a mouthguard or retainer holder when they are not in use. Any similarly sized small container will work as well. If you do lose your aligners, let our Virginia Beach, VA, office know immediately. Dr. Parr or Dr. Frey will work to quickly reorder your lost clear aligners.

In some cases, you may be able to use your next set of trays instead of ordering another set of old ones. Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation Today

Invisalign treatment can deliver beautiful cosmetic results without the need for uncomfortable and obvious metal wires and brackets. Most of our patients find that cleaning and maintaining their new aligners is a breeze. To schedule your Invisalign consultation, please contact our office online or call (757) 473-8482.