Porcelain Veneers for Gaps between the Teeth By Dr. Scott Parr on May 29, 2020

Young brunette girl with tooth gap standing in front of plain black backgroundMany individuals have gaps between the teeth. While some view this as an endearing trait, others feel embarrassed about their smile’s appearance. There are several cosmetic treatment options that can address this issue. Porcelain veneers can conceal aesthetic imperfections to create a beautifully balanced smile. Our doctors provide this treatment at The Smile Center in Virginia Beach, VA. Here, our team discusses porcelain veneers for gaps so you can be well-informed about your treatment options.

How Gaps and Spaces Affect Your Smile

If you have a gap between the two front teeth, chances are it does not affect your oral health or function. However, some individuals feel that it has a negative impact on their smile and overall appearance.

Those who have multiple spaces between several teeth may experience bite problems, TMJ issues, or other concerns. If this is the case, gapped teeth could be detrimental to your oral health.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Address Gaps?

Porcelain veneers can change the shape and size of the front teeth. These durable ceramic prosthetics are affixed to the front surfaces of the teeth to conceal a wide range of imperfections, including chips, cracks, dental discoloration, and gaps.

When veneers are placed over gapped teeth, they effectively close the space between them, making your smile appear more even and balanced. In fact, veneers can make such a drastic improvement that they are often referred to as instant orthodontics.

Exploring Candidacy

Porcelain veneers are not for everyone. First, they can only correct mild to moderate gaps. Larger gaps require larger veneers; if the veneers are too big, they will not look natural and they may not be stable.

Further, porcelain veneer candidates must be free of gum disease, tooth decay, and other serious issues. Any restorative work must be completed before cosmetic treatments can be considered. To determine your eligibility for this treatment, your Virginia Beach dentist will perform a comprehensive evaluation.

Alternative Treatment Options for Gapped Teeth

If you are not a candidate for porcelain veneers, or you simply want to explore other avenues, there are alternative treatments available. Three of the most common include:

  • Dental bonding: Unlike porcelain veneer treatment, dental bonding can be completed in a single office visit. During the procedure, tooth-colored composite resin is applied to the affected teeth, shaped and molded, then cured with a special dental light. Dental bonding typically needs to be redone every four to seven years.
  • Dental crowns: While veneers only cover the front surfaces of the teeth, dental crowns cover the entire tooth structure. Crowns may be recommended for patients with decay or weakened enamel, as they can reinforce the teeth and protect them from further damage.
  • Orthodontics: In advanced cases, orthodontic treatment is necessary to correct gaps and spacing. Braces can shift the teeth into their proper locations and bring the bite into alignment, addressing health, function, and aesthetics.

Learn More about Porcelain Veneers

If gaps or spaces between the teeth are making you self-conscious about your appearance, consider what porcelain veneers can do for you. To schedule a consultation at our Virginia Beach practice, contact us online or give us a call at (757) 238-5409.

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The Smile Center

The Smile Center

The Smile Center in Virginia Beach has been providing high-quality dental care since 1988. We are proud to be affiliated with:

  • American Academy of Facial Esthetics
  • The American Orthodontic Society
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

For more information about our services, contact us online or call (757) 473-8482 today.

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