The Smile Center

Attention Athletes: Are You a Candidate for a Custom Mouth Guard?

Sep 5, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by drfrey
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Sports Dentistry

Whether you are an athlete, or you have a son or daughter who is getting involved in sports, you have probably arrived at this blog post because you are searching for information about mouth guards. What might surprise you, however, is that this blog belongs to The Smile Center, one of the premier cosmetic and restorative dentistry practices on the Eastern Seaboard. You might expect to find mouth guards on the counters of your local drug store, or at Dick’s Sporting Goods - but at your local dentist’s office?

If you stop to think about it, though, who knows the inside of the human mouth better than a dentist? And the point of a mouth guard is to protect the teeth, gums, and other delicate oral structures from damage, right? Drs. Scott Parr and Tara Frey carefully evaluate the mouths of mouth guard candidates at their Virginia Beach practice to ensure that they are in good oral health. They then take molds of their teeth so that custom-made mouth guards can be crafted from the finest materials to fit snugly yet comfortably in their mouths.

If you or someone you love needs a mouth guard, why settle for less than the best? Visit The Smile Center today and find out why a custom mouth guard is the safest, most cost-effective choice for protecting your teeth and gums, whatever your sport.

Why should you get a custom mouth guard?

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I get a custom mouth guard? Won’t a boil-to-fit mouth guard work just as well and fit my mouth just fine?”

Not all mouth guards are created equal. As you might imagine, professional athletes do not pop down to their local drug stores and buy mouth guards off the shelves, and not simply because they can afford the extra expense of custom mouth guards. Modern pressure laminated custom mouth guards are superior in every possible way to their store-bought counterparts. When you invest in a custom mouth guard from The Smile Center, you will receive a mouth guard that is:

Schedule Your Mouth Guard Consultation Today

Are you a candidate for a custom mouth guard? If you are healthy enough to play sports, and your teeth and gums are in good shape, then yes, you are definitely a good candidate for a custom mouth guard. Simply contact The Smile Center today to schedule your initial consultation with one of our esteemed dentists.