The Smile Center

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment? Here Are the Symptoms & Warning Signs

Jun 23, 2023 @ 02:26 PM — by Dr. Scott Parr
Tagged with: Root Canal

When bacteria reaches the pulp inside of a tooth, it can lead to a serious infection. If the infection is not treated promptly, it can lead to a variety of health problems. This is why it’s crucial to seek root canal therapy for an infected tooth as soon as you notice any symptoms.

But what are the symptoms of a root canal infection?

The team at our Virginia BeachVA, dental practice would like to cover some of the basics below. Reach out to us as soon as possible if any of these issues sound familiar.

You Have Severe Tooth Pain

It’s common for people with an infected tooth to experience varying degrees of pain. This pain is pronounced when biting or chewing with the infected tooth. You may also notice pain when the infected tooth is exposed to hot or cold temperatures.

Your Tooth Has Darkened in Color

Infected teeth will gradually change color. It may start with a yellowing of the tooth structure, gradually becoming brown or black.

Your Gums Are Tender and Red Near the Sore Tooth

As the infection gets worse, you may notice swelling and inflammation around the gum tissue and infected tooth. It’s also not uncommon to notice discoloration of the gum tissue as a response to the root canal infection.

You Have Bad Breath and a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

The bacteria in your mouth may start producing a foul smell. This is caused by pus discharging from the infected tooth. This bad breath is persistent even if you are brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. What’s more, there may also be an unpleasant taste in your mouth caused by the infection.

You Develop a Dental Abscess

When a root canal infection progresses without treatment, it can cause a dental abscess. A dental abscess is an accumulation of pus that develops in your gums. It often looks like a boil or a pimple on the gumline.

What You Need to Do If These Symptoms Are Present

As soon as you experience any serious or persistent pain in your tooth, it’s crucial that you visit our Virginia Beach dental office. We can perform an exam and determine if you need root canal treatment.

Will a Dentist Be Able to Save My Tooth?

It depends on the timing of your appointment and the extent of the infection.

Saving Your Tooth with Root Canal Treatment

If the root canal infection is found soon enough, we can proceed with root canal treatment. This will remove the infected tissue within the tooth and cap the tooth to prevent further harm.

Removing Your Tooth to Avoid the Spread of Infection

If it is too late to perform root canal therapy or the procedure is not viable given the condition of your tooth, we may recommend extraction to prevent the spread of infection. Following extraction, we can then discuss dental implants for tooth replacement and other prosthodontic procedures.

Request a Consultation at the Smile Center

Are you experiencing any of the above symptoms? If so, contact our dental office in Virginia Beach. Our team will help get you the treatment you need to restore your dental health.